2000.06 – 2002.06上海交通大学电气工程系,博士后
1997.06 –2000.06 华中科技大学,博士
1993.06 –1996.06 华中科技大学,硕士
2002.06 – 上海交通大学电气工程系, 教师
1987.06 -2000.06 华中科技大学,教师
- Li Xiaohu, Jiang Chuanwen. Short-Term Operation Model and Risk Management for Wind Power Penetrated System in Electricity Market. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, v 26, n 2, p 932-939, 2011,
- Liu Hongling, Jiang Chuanwen, Zhang Yan. Portfolio management of hydropower producer via stochastic programming, Energy Conversion and Management, v 50, n 10, p 2593-2599, 2009,
- Ma, Yuchao, Jiang, Chuanwen, et al. The formulation of the optimal strategies for the electricity producers based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Power systems, 21 (4): 1663-1671,2006.
- Ren Boqiang, Jiang Chuanwen. A review on the economic dispatch and risk management considering wind power in the power market. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 13(8), 2169–2174,2009 .
- Chen, QM, Jiang, CW, et al. Probability models for estimating the probabilities of cascading outages in high-voltage transmission network.. IEEE Transactions on Power systems, 21 (3): 1423-1431 AUG 2006.
- Peng Minghong,Liu Lian,Jiang Chuanwen. A review on the economic dispatch and risk management of the large-scale plug-in electric vehicles (PHEVs)-penetrated power systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, v 16, n 3, p 1508-1515, 2012
- Yuan, Zhiqiang, Liu, Dong, Jiang, Chuanwen. Analysis of supplier equilibrium strategy considering transmission constraints. IEE Proceedings: Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 152 (1), 17-22,2005.
- Sun, LY, Zhang, Y, Jiang, CW. A matrix real-coded genetic algorithm to the unit commitment problem. Electric Power System Reserch. 76 (9-10): 716-728 JUN 2006.
- Yuan Zhiqiang, Liu Dong and Jiang Chuanwen. Analysis of equilibrium about bidding strategy of suppliers with future contracts. Energy Conversion and Management,Volume 48, Issue 3, 2007, 1016-1020.
- Lei, Ma; Shiyan, Luan; Chuanwen, Jiang; Hongling, Liu; Yan, Zhang. A review on the forecasting of wind speed and generated power. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, V13(4), 915-920:2009.
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