教授,博导 上海交通大学电气工程系
电力传输与功率变换控制教育部重点实验室 副主任
2010.6 –2013.7 丹麦奥尔堡大学能源系,博士
2007.9 –2010.3 浙江大学电气工程学院,硕士
2003.9 –2007.6 浙江大学电气工程学院,学士
2024.01至今 上海交通大学电气工程系,教授
2019.10至今 上海交通大学电力传输与功率变换控制教育部重点实验室,副主任
2016.9–2023.12 上海交通大学电气工程系,特别研究员/教轨副教授/长聘副教授
2015.8–2016.2 丹麦Vestas风电研发总部,技术顾问
2014.5–2016.9 丹麦奥尔堡大学能源系,助理教授,可靠性研究中心(CORPE)项目主管
2013.8–2014.4 丹麦奥尔堡大学能源系,博士后
- 马柯,《微电网建模与控制基础》,机械工业出版社,ISBN 978-7-111-73931-9,2024
- K. Ma, Power Electronics for the Next Generation Wind Turbine System, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-21247-0, 2015.
M. Xu, K. Ma and Q. Zhong, “Degradation Diagnosis of Power Module Based on Frequency Characteristics in Heat Flow,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 10292-10301, Aug.2023.
J. Wang, K. Ma, W. Tang and X. Cai, “Dual-Frequency-Bands Grid Impedance Emulator for Stability Test of Grid-Connected Converters,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 13070-13080, Nov. 2022.
K. Ma, S. Xia, Y. Qi, X. Cai, Y. Song and F. Blaabjerg, “Power-Electronics-Based Mission Profile Emulation and Test for Electric Machine Drive System - Concepts, Features, and Challenges,” IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 8526-8542, July 2022.
S. Jiang, K. Ma, X. Cai and G. Konstantinou, “Mission Profile Emulation for Flexible Number of Submodules in Modular Multilevel Converters with Nearest Level Modulation,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 11926-11935, Dec. 2022.
- K. Ma, M. Xu, B. Liu, “Modelling and Characterization of Frequency-domain Thermal Impedance for IGBT Module Through Heat Flow Information,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 1330-1340, Feb. 2021.
- K. Ma, J. Wang, X. Cai, F. Blaabjerg, “AC Grid Emulations for Advanced Testing of Grid-Connected Converters-An Overview,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 1626-1645, Feb. 2021.
- W. Tang, K. Ma, Y. Song, “Critical Damping Ratio to Ensure Design Efficiency and Stability of LCL-Filters,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 315-325, Jan. 2021.
- K. Ma, Y. Song, “Power-Electronic-Based Electric Machine Emulator Using Direct Impedance Regulation,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 35, No. 10, pp. 10673-10680, Oct. 2020.
- S. Jiang, K. Ma and X. Cai, “Self-Circulating Testing Method for Both Rectifying and Inverting Submodules of Modular Multilevel Converter with Low DC Supply Voltage,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp. 7795-7803, Aug. 2020.
- K. Ma, U. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, “Prediction and Validation of Wear-out Reliability Metrics for Power Semiconductor Devices with Mission Profiles in Motor Drive Application,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 33, No. 11, pp.9843-9853, 2018.
- A. S. Bahman, K. Ma, F. Blaabjerg, “A Lumped Thermal Model Including Thermal Coupling and Thermal Boundary Conditions for High Power IGBT Modules,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp.2518-2530, 2018.
- M. Andersen, K. Ma, G. Buticchi, J. Falck, F. Blaabjerg, M. Liserre, “Junction Temperature Control for More Reliable Power Electronics,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 765-776, 2018.
- K. Ma, H. Wang, F. Blaabjerg, “New Approaches to Reliability Assessment: Using physics-of-failure for prediction and design in power electronics systems,” IEEE Power Electronics Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 28-41, 2016.
- K. Ma, N. He, M. Liserre, F. Blaabjerg, “Frequency-Domain Thermal Modelling and Characterization of Power Semiconductor Devices,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 7183-7193, 2016.
- K. Ma, M. Liserre, F. Blaabjerg, T. Kerekes, “Thermal Loading and Lifetime Estimation for Power Device Considering Mission Profiles in Wind Power Converter,” IEEE Trans. On Power Electronics, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 590-602, 2015.
- K. Ma, A. S. Bahman, S. M. Beczkowski, F. Blaabjerg, “Complete Loss and Thermal Model of Power Semiconductors Including Device Rating Information,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 2556-2569, May 2015.
- K. Ma, F. Blaabjerg, “Modulation Methods for Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter Achieving Stress Redistribution Under Moderate Modulation Index,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 5-10, 2015.
- K. Ma, F. Blaabjerg, M. Liserre, “Operating and Loading Conditions of a Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Wind Power Converter Under Various Grid Faults,” IEEE Trans. On Industry Applications, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 520-530, 2014.
- K. Ma, W. Chen, M. Liserre, F. Blaabjerg, “Power Controllability of Three-phase Converter with Unbalanced AC Source”, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 1591-1604, Mar 2014.
- K. Ma, M. Liserre, F. Blaabjerg, “Reactive Power Influence on the Thermal Cycling of Multi-MW Wind Power Inverter,” IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 922-930, 2013.
- F. Blaabjerg, K. Ma, “Future on Power Electronics for Wind Turbine Systems,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 139-152, 2013.
- K. Ma, F. Blaabjerg, M. Liserre, “Thermal Analysis of Multilevel Grid Side Converters for 10 MW Wind Turbines under Low Voltage Ride Through,” IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 909-921, 2013.
- 2018-21 国家重点研发计划“智能电网技术与装备”重点专项“大容量电力电子装备关键部件性能的老化规律与可靠性评估方法”,课题负责人
2022-25 国家自然科学基金面上项目“级联变流器子模块的工况模拟测试方法及系统设计”,主持
- 2018-21 国家自然科学基金面上项目“复杂工况下功率半导体器件多时间尺度热行为研究”,主持
- 2017-20 国家高层次人才引进计划青年项目,主持
- 2019-21 台达科教基金重点项目“功率半导体器件工况模拟测试方法”,主持
- 2019-23 国家自然科学基金重点项目“大规模风光电源与柔性直流系统的交互动态特性形成机理、稳定性分析与镇定控制”,主要参与
- 2022年中国电源学会科学技术奖“优秀青年奖”
- 爱思唯尔(Elsevier)中国高被引学者
- 斯坦福大学 “全球前2%顶尖科学家”(生涯和年度影响力2项)
- 2019年IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics 2018年度最佳论文二等奖
- 2015年中组部第十二批“青年千人计划”
- 2014年欧洲风能学会“杰出青年风能博士奖” (Excellent Young Wind Doctor Award)
- 2012年IEEE Industry Applications Society 2011年度最佳论文三等奖
2024-2025 |
专委会IEEE IAS Renewable Energy Conversion Systems Committe |
主席 |
2021-至今 |
期刊IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications |
副主编(Co-EiC) |
2019-至今 |
上海交通大学电气教工二支部(电力电子方向) |
书记 |
2021-至今 |
期刊 IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics |
编委 |
2021-2024 |
专委会IEEE PELS Technical Committee on Sustainable Energy Systems (TC5) |
副主席(Vice Chair) |
2019-2021 |
连续三届国际会议IEEE ECCE技术程序委员会 |
副主席 |
2019-2023 |
专委会IEEE IAS Renewable Energy Conversion Systems Committee |
副主席 |
2017-2019 |
专委会IEEE IAS Renewable Energy Conversion Systems Committee |
秘书 |
2019,2024 |
期刊IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics |
客座主编 |
2016-2021 |
期刊IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics |
编委 |
2014-至今 |
期刊IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications |
编委 |
2017-至今 |
期刊CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications |
编委 |
2017-至今 |
期刊Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering |
编委 |